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Keeping Your Liver Healthy with Daily Detox Habits

This week I am offering up some daily detox recommendations to keep your liver functioning at it’s best. By incorporating these recommendations into your daily life, you are creating an amazing filtration system long term!

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Have a cup of tea when you wake in the morning.  Green tea or herbal tea can be substituted, but detox tea is a much better option. Look for ones with one or more of the following ingredients: licorice root, cinnamon, juniper berry, dandelion, burdock.  I have sampled literally hundreds of detox teas to find ones that have medicinal qualities but don’t taste like dirt, you can find my favorite here.

Eat protein for breakfast.  Eggs are a great source of high quality protein, sautee them up with some fresh veggies for a protein packed breakfast.

Snack smart. Twice daily, enjoy low-glycemic vegetables or fruit such as berries, avocado, broccoli or cauliflower. Eating low GI fruits and veggies will ensure even energy, and blood sugar levels throughout the day.

Pack lunch. Skip the store bought sandwich that is likely loaded with preservatives and sauces, and instead prepare a healthy lunch consisting of lean protein with more veggies.

Plan dinner. Always choose a high quality protein and a few green veggies for your evening meal. Limit sugary sauces and marinades. If you are craving something sweet, enjoy a piece of fruit.

Drink Juice. Enjoying fresh organic vegetable juices or green smoothies will bathe your liver cells in nutrients. Another option is to use the juices for your mid-morning or afternoon snack.

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