
Wake Up To Green Tea!

A cup (or two or three) of caffeinated coffee in the morning is like waking up your adrenal glands while resting in bed and slapping them in the face. That’s not a nice way to greet the day!

Instead drink green tea, which gives you caffeine, but doesn’t assault your body. Caffeinated coffee is not a bad thing, (remember, I’m from Seattle). But the problem lies in that most of us drink coffee in the morning on an empty stomach.

Here are some other great reasons to make the switch to green tea: 

  • The simplicity of ingredients. Tea drinkers generally add less to their morning beverage. Think about the milk, cream, sugar etc. that is common among coffee drinkers. Green tea has two simple and delicious ingredients, water, and tea.
  • A brighter, whiter smile. We know the teeth staining effects of coffee on our pearly whites, tea drinkers see much less damage.
  • Tea is used culturally as a bonding tool. Some cultures have tea so deeply ingrained as part of their customs (e.g. the British). Perhaps your morning or afternoon tea can provide stress relief when enjoyed with a good book, or over a conversation with a friend or family member
  • Tea packs a health punch. Green tea is thought to contain the highest concentration of antioxidants that neutralize free radicals, which damage cells and contribute to cancer. These antioxidants also protect against skin damage, too!

If you're unsure which green tea to start off with, give matcha a try! Japanese matcha green tea is the highest quality green tea, and is packed with many benefits including being detoxifying, energizing, and immunity building. The antioxidants in matcha have been shown to have antibiotic properties that promote overall health. Additionally, just one bowl of match provides significant quantities of iron, potassium, vitamins A & C, and protein.

If you're already a tea drinker.. what is your favorite green tea?


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