A Plant Based Diet: The Importance, and How To Get Started
Eating a plant based diet works beautifully to increase micronutrients and alkaline foods in your diet. Micronutrients, are the vitamins and minerals in our food and are the materials used to create the cells of the body and are crucial to hormone production. (Read more about the importance of micronutrients here). Though all foods contain […]
Body Treatments for Detoxification
Did you know that your skin absorbs toxins and chemicals everyday? Skin is the largest organ in our body. From the chemicals in our beauty and skin care products to the fire retardant on our furniture, we are exposed to hundreds of toxins on a daily basis. Here are four easy body treatments that aid […]
The Benefits of Eating Late Summer Vegetables

If you’ve been eating the same vegetables week in and week out, I’m offering some tips for breaking out of your green veggie rut! Do you love reading the latest health information? Subscribe to my weekly newsletter here! Eating in season provides us with more health benefits. These veggies are picked at the peak of […]
Keeping Your Liver Healthy with Daily Detox Habits
This week I am offering up some daily detox recommendations to keep your liver functioning at it’s best. By incorporating these recommendations into your daily life, you are creating an amazing filtration system long term! Want more tips like this? Subscribe to my weekly newsletter for the latest health information delivered straight to your inbox! […]
What Are Micronutrients and Why Are They So Important?
Did you know that what we eat literally becomes the parts of our body that we depend upon? Most people do not. Food is fuel but it is also information. Our diet in North America has become more focused on the speed in which it is ready to eat than the nutritional content it has. […]
Sugar is damaging to our health
Subscribe to Dr. Tami’s weekly newsletter for the latest health info and tips! Did you know that Alzheimer’s has been called diabetes type 3? Limit the amount of sugar and foods that turn quickly and easily into sugar like pasta, bread and rice. Sugar can appear in lost of places; here are a few to […]
The Benefits of Juices and Smoothies
Juicing is hard, time-wise. It takes planning and effort, but it’s like jet fuel for your cells. I tell my patients, “You just have to make the commitment and do it.” Green juices are an amazing, easy to absorb, nutrient-dense food, and do not require much processing. If you’ve downloaded my Hormone Handbook (get it […]
What Vitamins Should You Take?
The standard American diet (SAD) does not provide the vitamins and minerals required for a healthy life. Who eats more than five servings of fruits and vegetables in a day? Vitamins are like an insurance policy. If you can’t eat a balanced diet, a good multivitamin is helpful. Anybody who lives at 35 degrees latitude […]
Head Off “Before Dinner Hunger”
Many people feel hungry before dinner around 5pm and turn to cheese and crackers or another unhealthy option. To help my own children stave off the pangs, I make a hummus dip with celery, cauliflower, carrots, and other veggies on the side. I like to put it out for my daughters before dinner, and don’t […]
Start Your Day With Protein
Want more health tips and information? Subscribe to Dr. Tami’s weekly newsletter HERE. The best source of vitamins and minerals is food. However, most of us do not eat enough of the fruits and vegetables we need to detoxify and to build cells effectively. Additionally, our food sources are less nutrient-dense than 50 years ago […]