Navigating the World of Supplements Safely 💊
The news concerning stores like GNC pulling supplements off the shelf is exciting to me. That might sound strange to you but supplement safety and efficacy is something I am passionate about. I take time with each patient I see to teach them how to choose the best supplements.
You see vitamins, minerals and herbs are not considered a food or a drug, therefore there is no governing body or organization that oversees the production and safety of them. We are literally at the mercy of the companies that make these supplements to “do the right thing”.
The most recent story by CBS and now the story in the New York Times is not “news”. There have been many studies on the safety and efficacy of supplements. I highlight the story of the 2009 study in my book The Hormone Secret that showed that supplement doses did not match what's on the label at all. In fact, it was anywhere between 4%-110% difference!
The current investigation is different though. It did not study the dosing, but looked into the DNA of what was in the pills, ie: they were looking for contamination. What they found was shocking: powdered rice, wheat and ground up house plants. Yikes!
The companies given a subpoena in New York and have removed the supplements from the shelves – but only in the New York stores! What about all the other stores and all the other supplements that are not what they say?
I use vitamins, minerals and herbs as medicine. They are prescribed in doses that are supported by research to do what they are needed to do and only use manufacturing companies that get third party tests and have verification of that testing. I have gone one step further in my OCD fashion and require the companies I use to verify the source of the ingredients.
I do this because: a) I use these supplements for myself and my family. b) because anything that is powerful enough to do good could also do harm and c) I want to be your short cut. Researching all this is time consuming so I have done the work for you.
This seems like the perfect time to introduce you to my own line of supplements. It took me almost two years to formulate and create these with great manufacturing companies so that you can have confidence that you are getting medicinal grade supplements that are safe and effective. (As a special bonus you will get a 15% discount with your first order. Keep reading to learn more!)
Please meet:
Essential Female Boost, a daily pack to meet your hormone and multivitamin needs.
Click Here for Essential Female Boost
Testosterone Boost – a daily pack in increase testosterone production with herbs and specific vitamins for those that don’t want to take testosterone or are taking testosterone and want to maximize the effects safely
Click Here for Testosterone Boost
Adrenal Boost – Adrenal Fatigue is one of the most common conditions I see in my clinic and healing it can involve taking 3-4 different bottles of supplements. I created one pack that includes what you need.
If the supplements that I have created don’t meet your needs look for the stamp USP or GMP on the bottle to ensure quality and safety.
I hope this helps you navigate your way through all the stuff that is out there!
PS I really want you to try my supplements (they are like one of my babies) so I have created a 15% coupon for anyone that wants to purchase their first month supply (they come in convenient one month boxes). Just use the coupon code save15 at checkout. Click Here.
PSS If you subscribe to our monthly program we will send you a box each and every month and you save 10%! When you checkout there will be an option to select that says “every month.” Choose that and automatically save 10% off each 30 day supply.