
Is selenium the missing link to your thyroid?

A healthy thyroid is a critical your energy, your weight, your skin, your hair and so much more.  Yet many people are told that their thyroid is “fine” when they go to the doctor.  The range for “normal” thyroid function is enormous.  You may still be in the normal range but what if you are at the bottom of the normal range and 10 years ago you were at the top of the normal range?  That would feel like a big difference.  That’s one of the reasons I use optimal levels when treating patients and their symptoms are a big part of the treatment plan.

There are a number of ways that your thyroid can be functioning less than its best.  There are environmental factors that affect thyroid function such as gluten, gut health, liver health, excess or deficient iodine and vitamin D deficiency.

There is one nutritional factor that seems to affect all types of thyroid dysfunction: Selenium.

Selenium is a common deficiency in adults and it is thought to be linked to our farming practices and the fact that the soil has been depleted of this important micronutrient.

Your thyroid does not produce active thyroid hormone.  The conversion to active thyroid (T3) requires adequate amounts of selenium and occurs in the liver and other locations in your body outside the thyroid.

Selenium deficiency is also linked with illness but not specifically causing illness itself, but that it makes the body more susceptible to illnesses caused by other nutritional, biochemical or infectious stresses, due to its role in immune function.  Adequate selenium also protects the thyroid gland from damage from excessive iodine exposure.

A recent study on auto-immune thyroid condition such as Hashimoto’s found that selenium supplementation reduced thyroid peroxidase antibody levels in the blood, even in selenium sufficient patients.

So take Selenium to help your thyroid right?  Well, the answer is, it depends.  

There are some studies that show that long term consumption of high doses of selenium can lead to complications such as gastrointestinal upsets, hair loss, white blotchy nails, garlic breath odor, fatigue, irritability, and mild nerve damage.

Additionally, supplementing selenium if you have low iodine may actually aggravate hypothyroidism.

Another negative effect was seen in a large clinical trial that looked at the effects of selenium supplementation on prostate cancer risk in over 35,000 men and found that those with normal to high selenium levels at baseline experienced a significant increase in the risk of prostate cancer after supplementing with 200 mcg/d of selenium.

Conclusion, selenium is great if you need it but if you are a man, or just want to know, best to get checked with a test such as the intracellular micronutrient test by Spectracell or Genova (these can be ordered from my clinic if you would like to find out your status).

Foods that are high in selenium include brazil nuts, crimini mushrooms, cod, shrimp, tuna, halibut, salmon, scallops, chicken, eggs, shiitake mushrooms, lamb, and turkey. Brazil nuts are particularly rich in selenium; it only takes a few every day to improve your selenium status and boost immune function.

Committed to your Vitality,

Dr. Tami

PS:  All the health information on the web and from “practitioners” can be confusing.  I am here to guide you and hope to bless you based on my research, 15 years of clinical practice and education as a double board certified MD.

PSS:  A place of information and recipe sharing is my Facebook.  Be sure to “like” and share.  Remember, health is contagious, pass it on!




8 Main Causes of Fatigue

One of the top health problems my patients tell me every day is about is fatigue or extremely low energy levels. It seems there is an epidemic of tiredness.  I don’t know anyone that doesn’t want more energy.  Low energy can also be dangerous.  20% of fatal car accidents involve driver fatigue. 

Many people brush off their fatigue as a “normal” part of getting older.  You may know that I think “normal” is a setting on a dryer.  The term “normal” in medicine is used to describe typical rate of decline of the average American.  Who wants to be “normal” or “fine”?  Let’s be fabulous! 

While fatigue is common, it's certainly not biologically normal. This false assumption makes many people settle for feeling lousy and tired most of their lives. Fatigue can affect every aspect of your life: your family, friends, job and activities will suffer.

Here are the 8 main causes of fatigue that I see in my clinic and Skype appointments.  I've also included tips on how to resolve fatigue to become full of energy. 

Macronutrient/Micronutrient Imbalances

Micronutrients are the vitamins and minerals that we need in small amounts from our diet so our bodies can make all the cells, chemicals and hormones we need, similar to the parts of a car.  Macronutrients are fats, proteins and carbohydrates.  They provide the energy for your cells to do the work to bless your life like the gasoline used to make the car go! 

One of the most common macronutrient deficiencies in the West is low fat consumption. Since the latter part of the 20th century, we have been on a fat free frenzy.  In place of fats our food has been filled with refined carbohydrates, grains and sugars.  Without the proper amount of fat you will feel hungry and be left with mood swings, irritability, weight loss resistance, and fatigue.

But not all fat is created equal.  When I refer to fat, I'm not talking about margarine or some other kind of bad fat. In my book, The Hormone Secret on page 119, I share some interesting facts about fat.  For example, “Coconut oil is one of the main sources of medium-chain fatty acids in our food system and has been associated with a great deal of recent research showing its healing and anti-inflammatory properties”.  Avocados, eggs, and, if you eat meat, grass-fed beef and wild-caught salmon, are all great forms of whole food fat for your energy!

From a biochemical standpoint, your body's best and slowest-burning form of energy is fat. Furthermore, your brain is made of 60% fat and 25% cholesterol, so nourishing that precious organ is the cornerstone to overcoming fatigue and feeling sharp. Less frequently, inadequate amounts of protein and carbohydrates will also contribute to low energy levels so make sure you are starting your day with protein and choosing carbohydrates from vegetables not breads.

2. Micronutrient Deficiencies

Our bodies are alive and functioning because of biochemistry. When we don't nourish them with the specific nutritional requirements that make health possible, it can start with you feeling tired and lethargic. Some nutrient deficiencies that I see on a regular basis in patients that are fatigued are iron, vitamin D and vitamin B  and magnesium deficiencies. Vitamin B is water soluble and stress eats it up leaving none left for our bodies to use.   Using food as your iron source is the best option such as cooked greens or free range organic chicken liver (yes, liver really can be good for you and your mitochondria).  I also recommend taking vitamin D, especially in the winter and a good B complex is a must for supporting adrenals and when life is stressful. 

3. Poor Gut Health

Known as the “second brain,” your gastrointestinal system is essential and often overlooked factor in your energy levels. You don't necessarily have to have noticeable gut symptoms to have an underlying chronic gut issue. Your gut-brain axis is a complex web of communication between these two vitally important systems when it comes to your energy levels.

If your body is bogged down with conditions like leaky gut syndrome or intestinal bacterial overgrowth (SIBO) or just generalized imbalances in your gut bacteria (dysbiosis), it can drain your energy significantly. When these conditions are resolved, energy levels and vitality are restored back to normal. Interestingly enough, chronic gut dysfunctions are also linked to fatigue's stubborn partner, weight loss resistance.

4. Inflammatory Foods

The foods we eat are literally the instructions for all our cells and provide us with our energy.  Our meals are either helping or hurting your energy levels; there's no neutral food when it comes to your body's function. It's no secret that refined foods, excess carbohydrates and empty calories will negatively affect your health, and that will typically begin by draining your energy levels.

Underlying intolerance to foods can be a significant energy drain.  These are foods that you are not “allergic” to but rather your body creates a low grade inflammatory response when you eat them.  The most common foods that create an inflammatory response are: gluten, dairy, corn, eggs, soy, peanuts and sugar.  Some of these foods can be very good for you, like eggs.  But they can create an negative response in some people when eaten.  If you're suffering from fatigue, start by eliminating the inflammatory foods in your diet for 4 weeks and then re-introduce one at a time and see how you feel. 

5. Toxins

The word “toxin” has become ubiquitous in the health community.  The reality is that our world today is inundated with substances that are toxic to our health. We are not genetically adapted to this onslaught of toxicity, and our energy levels are typically the first indicator that something is not right. Since the liver is your “fire wall” for your body and the hazardous waste system, it makes sense to do a liver cleanse twice per year to decrease the toxic load that builds in our bodies.  We will be launching another Get Glowing Liver Cleanse this fall before the holidays to get tuned up with a private facebook group and live Q and A with me.  Mark your calendars for October so start now if this is a good time with my Get Glowing Liver Kit. 

6. Hormonal Dysfunctions

Our body's different systems communicate through an intelligent web of hormonal pathways. A properly functioning hormonal system is essential for your energy levels. Two relatively common hormonal pathway dysfunctions that I find in people who are struggling with low energy levels are hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal dysfunction (adrenal fatigue) and low thyroid function. Make sure you have taken my hormone quiz and receive the free handbook on how to boost the function without medication. 

7. Medications

Every pharmaceutical drug has side effects and one of the most common side effects that I see is fatigue. Common medications given for blood pressure, cholesterol, pain, diabetes, acid reflux and depression can all cause chronic fatigue. It amazes me how little people know about the side effects of the drugs they take every day. 

If your medication is causing or adding to your fatigue, discuss with your doctor about what other options you have.  There may be options to lower your dose of even get off some prescriptions as your health improves.

8. Poor Sleep

Sure, this sounds like an obvious one! 

Sleep disorders like insomnia and sleep apnea affects millions of people around the world with very little options in the mainstream model of care. Dealing with the underlying issues that are causing the sleep disorder is essential to restore your energy levels. Please ensure you do not have sleep apnea by requesting a sleep study if you snore  loudly at night.  For mild insomnia, melatonin prolonged release and Cortisol Manager works wonders. 

One of the main reasons I see causing sleep disturbances in my clinic is the inability to turn off the brain.  The sympathetic nervous system is on auto-pilot for our go-go 24/7 life.  Breathing exercises or listening to alpha/theta brain beat meditation like is found in the holosync can turn off your stress and allow your body to drift into rejuvenative sleep. 

Customized Health Solutions

Obviously this isn't a complete list of everything that could be causing low energy but I hope it blesses you and helps you gain some of your Vitality.  In my practice we see patients from all over the country creating individualized and customized health programmes that are tailored to exactly what you need.  I find the one size fits all approach of traditional medicine leaves many of not able to reach our best health and energy.  If you have lingering issues with fatigue or other health concerns please hit “reply” or call us at 877-8-VITALITY to find out about our Health Membership options to help your look, feel and  function your best. 

It’s your Health, It’s your Journey and it’s YOUR TURN.  I am blessed to help you along the way.

Committed to your Vitality

Dr. Tami

You and Your Microbiome

You and your Microbiome

The interconnectedness of your gut, brain, immune, and hormonal systems is complex and amazing at the same time.  There is one thing that we have learned that affects all of the above – our microbiome.

This complex ecosystem is made up of more than 100 trillion microbes and research has shown that our microflora types are uniquely our own and is affected by diet, health history, geographic location and even our heritage.  What we do know is that you must properly balance and care for it if you are to be healthy now and in the future. 

We have even learned that your microbiome may be the reason why you can not lose weight even when following the exact same diet as someone else that has been very successful. 

Here are 5 ways that you can boost the number and diversity of your microbiome. 


Exercise could boost the diversity of the microbes in your gut.  By examining blood and stool samples, researchers in Ireland were able to compare the microbial diversity of professional rugby players with those of healthy men, some of normal weight and some overweight. They found that the athletes, overall, had greater gut diversity than the other men which they attributed to the players’ strenuous exercise


In the same study above, it showed that the athletes diet were higher in protein (22 percent of calories) compared to 15 to 16 percent of calories from protein the other men consumed daily. The athletes’ microbiomes were not only more diverse, the researchers reported that they were more populous than those of the other men in the study, and included higher levels of a species of bacteria associated with lower rates of obesity and obesity-related disorders.

Eat more Greens

Plant foods are especially helpful for improving your microbial diversity.  Why? Because plants give your microbes something to chew on, to break down, to digest and extract the nutrients from – you are literally feeding your resident bugs with their favorite foods and what they need to survive and thrive.  It is hard to consume enough plant based foods so I recommend a daily green smoothie. Here is my smoothie recipe book for you to enjoy!

Open the doors and Windows

One of the best, and also most pleasurable ways to increase your microbial exposure is to simply open the windows and let the microbes flow! Welcome them into your home, your car, your office – the more, the merrier, and the better for your microbiome.

Get outside and get dirty

Do some gardening, play outside, go for a walk in nature – do anything that gets you and your microbiome connected with the trillions of microbes in the soil. 

Don’t murder your microcrobes

What I mean is don’t kill off your healthy organisms with foods that mess with your microbial balance. Avoid processed foods, genetically modified anything, sugar and wheat. Also, be sure to stay clear from factory-farmed meats, which come loaded with antibiotics that kill the bad and the good and are not destroyed by cooking. 

Protect with Probiotics and Pre-biotics

If you have taken antibiotics be sure to re-populate your gut flora with probiotics.  Even if you have not taken antibiotics, take probiotics anyway.  Doing so will keep your microbiome full of live, beneficial organisms, which will help keep digestion, immunity and overall health on track. Look for probiotics that deliver 15-50 billion live organisms per dose and contain a combination of different strains of Lactobacillus and Bifidobacteria.   Multi-Probiotic contains over 15 billion beneficial organisms from lactobacillus and bifidobacterium genera with additional benefits of prebiotic fructooligosaccharides.  Take probiotics as directed, once or twice a day, preferably with meals.

You can also enjoy probiotic foods like fermented foods (preferably organic). Sauerkraut, kim chi, kombucha, and pickled veggies encourage the growth of good bacteria. Add to that some pre-biotic foods, those non-digestible short-chain fatty acids that help your good bacteria flourish. To get your dose, try eating more artichokes, garlic, beans, oats, onions and asparagus.


It is also important for your children to enjoy the above and probiotics are safe for children to take.


Health is contagious, I would be so grateful if you would pass this on to help spread the love and health!

Committed to your Vitality

Dr. Tami

Siobhan Clark and Orla O’Sullivan, et al, “Exercise and associated dietary extremes impact on gut microbial diversity,” Gut, doi: 10.1136/gutjnl-2013-306541

Magnesium the Miracle Mineral

When I worked in traditional medicine we used magnesium in the emergency room to stop pre-term labor or to relax a heart that had a life threatening irregular beat.  In my clinic now I use magnesium for its powerful effects on blood sugar levels, to lower blood pressure, to build bone, to treat pain and as a wonderful relaxation mineral for anxiety and boost overall health.  Any part of the body that is tight or cramped, magnesium will relax.  I also prescribe magnesium for fatigue as it literally is involved in the creation of energy in the body. 

The bad news is that most of us are deficient in this important nutrient.  Magnesium is one of the most depleted minerals in our soil so the foods of today have much less than in our grandmother’s day.  Studies have shown that 30% of the population has significant magnesium deficiency.  Since Magnesium is difficult to measure in the blood it is likely even higher than that. 

Here are some symptoms associated with magnesium deficiency and more importantly, the FIVE ways to increase your levels and optimize your health.

A magnesium deficiency is likely if you have:

Muscle cramps or twitches

• Anxiety

• Palpitations

• Constipation

• Headaches

• Fibromyalgia

• Chronic fatigue

• Diabetes

• Osteoporosis

• High blood pressure

  *If you take diuretic for high blood pressure

If you take medication that block acid for Acid Reflux

• PMSMenstrual cramps

The wonderful news is that magnesium levels are easy to restore and there are no serious side effects

Here are five ways to maximize your magnesium

Increase your consumption of magnesium rich foods. 

Most dietary magnesium comes from vegetables, such as dark green, leafy vegetables. Other foods that are good sources of magnesium:

Fruits or vegetables (such as bananas, dried apricots, and avocados)

Nuts (such as almonds and cashews)

Peas and beans (legumes), seeds

Soy products (such as soy flour and tofu)

Whole grains (such as brown rice and millet)

Cut the cola. 

Most dark colored sodas contain phosphates. Phosphates find magnesium in your digestive tract and bind it making it unavailable to your body.  So even if you eat a wonderful meal rich in magnesium, if you wash it down with a cola your body will never receive the magnesium. 

Slash stress

The hormones released when we are under stress have been shown to decrease magnesium.  Even mild stress such as driving in traffic, getting through a day of emails, meetings or home management with children is enough to decrease our magnesium. 

Take a Supplement

The most absorbable forms of oral magnesium are citrate, glycinate taurate and aspartate. 

The side effect of too much magnesium is diarrhea. 

Soak in Magnesium

My very favorite way to get magnesium into the body is topically.  Epsom salts are Magnesium sulphate and are wonderful as a bath or foot soak in the evenings.  Topical magnesium has been shown to be extremely absorbable. 

All of us can benefit from this miracle mineral and relax into all it has to offer us.

Tell me if you any questions and please share.  Health is contagious – pass it around!

Tami Meraglia MD

Sassy Water Recipe

Sassy Water Recipe - DrTami.com

Source: Food.com
Image Credit: WickedStuffed.com

7 Common Symptoms Associated with Low Progesterone


Did you know that you have a natural anti-anxiety hormone?


Women have a hormone that is produced in the ovaries and the adrenal glands that is like valium bathing the female mind.  It helps reduce anxiety and is known as the peaceful hormone.  It also helps us sleep soundly through the entire night.

In men, this same hormone prevents testosterone from becoming estrogen.

What is this amazing hormone?  Progesterone. 

Progesterone acts on the gamma amino butyric (GABA) receptors in the brain (the same receptors sleeping pills, anti-anxiety medication and even alcohols act upon), producing a calming effect.  GABA is the primary inhibitory transmitter in the brain.  If you wake between 2am and 4 am wide awake, you likely have a progesterone deficiency.

Progesterone also affects the elasticity of our skin, memory, is anti-inflammatory, is a natural diuretic and helps normalize blood sugar.  It also stimulates that cells that make new bone called osteoblasts.  Translation, it keeps us looking and feeling our best!

Unfortunately progesterone leaves our bodies first and leaves us quickly.  You can have a low progesterone level as early as your late 20’s!  Many women (an men!) think that their increased irritability, loss of enjoyment of life and trouble sleeping is from their 24/7 lifestyle but it is likely more often due to a progesterone deficiency

Here are 7 common symptoms associated with low progesterone:

  1. Anxiety
  2. Waking at night
  3. Fibrocystic breasts
  4. PMS
  5. Bone loss
  6. Low libido
  7. Infertility or irregular periods

Here are 3 simple and natural things you can do to help your own body produce more progesterone

Vitamin C. A dose of 750-1000 mg has been shown in studies to raise progesterone.

Selenium.  200-400 mcg/day was shown to boost production of progesterone in an Italian study (It also helps the thyroid as well!).

The spices turmeric, thyme and oregano are also useful for progesterone.  Use in cooking whenever you can.

Topical progesterone is also available over-the-counter.

If you find that it takes a bit more energy to keep your cool or that you are no longer sleeping through the night I encourage you to look to progesterone as a way to help.   You can go to www.www.drtami.com and take a free hormone quiz to see where you might lie and what you can do with nutrition, supplements and lifestyle changes to feel even better.

Remember, fine is a four letter word.  You deserve to feel FABULOUS!

Committed to your Vitality,

5 Exercises that Lower Stress

Many of us have heard that we should “reduce our stress”. But how many of us can fire our boss, have a toddler than can get his or her own dinner or move the project deadline. The sad truth is that stress is part of our 21st century life. The great news is that stress is like brushing our teeth. The food, which is like stress, occurs daily and gets all over our teeth in much the same way the inflammation from the stress hormone cortisol gets all over our cells. The solution is not to stop eating but to brush and floss the food off our teeth to prevent the decay and deterioration of our teeth and gums. We need to brush and floss our cells and clean the inflammation from the stress that has occurred that day.

Exercise has been shown to be an amazing way to decrease and more importantly, erase, stress. We also get the added benefit of the release of endorphins, the fee-good neurotransmitters, when we exercise.

Exercise also helps you move beyond the day’s aggravations through repeated motions that promote focus on your body, not your mind. By concentrating almost exclusively on the rhythm and beat of your exercise, you experience many of the same benefits of meditation.

Lastly, our bodies and the movements and positions we put them in have been shown to have a profound effect on hormones, including stress hormones. The hormones testosterone and cortisol have been shown to have the closest correlation with stress and stress management. Testosterone is the confidence hormone and cortisol is the reactive stress hormone. To best deal with stress you want to have your testosterone levels at their natural highest and cortisol levels low.

Here are 5 exercises that will help you with stress and your hormones:

1. Standing for 2 minutes in the wonder woman or superman pose. A study from Harvard showed that your levels of cortisol decrease by 25% and levels of testosterone increase by 20% just by standing in a confident pose for 2 minutes. This is something you can do before a stressful meeting or exam, before an interview or daily to be your best.

2. Walking, especially outdoors. Sometimes our exercise can be a stress all on its own. Many people need to work out less intensely to lose weight and to allow stress hormones to decrease. Walking is a low impact exercise and when done outside has been shown to increase your natural human growth hormone levels and decrease stress.

3. Yoga. Hatha yoga and other types of yoga have built in breathing and stretching which helps our muscles release tension and lower stress in our bodies. The philosophy of honoring where your body where your body is in the moment prevents additional stress from straining and overworking.

4. Dancing. You can dance in your living room, go out dancing or take a class. Moving your body to music is very beneficial for stress erasing. The focus is on the music and movement and there often is no room for anything else. Additionally, studies showed that people that did ballroom dancing twice per week had a lower incidence of dementia.

5. Breathing. Many people don’t think of breathing as an exercise. We do it all day every day. But doing intentional breathing exercises daily is the most powerful stress reduction tool I know. Breathing deeply and allowing your belly to expand stimulates that the parasympathetic nervous system which is in charge of rest, relaxation and rejuvenation. Try the following: breathe in through your nose for the count of 4, hold your breath for the count of 7 and exhale through your mouth for the count of 8. Take three of these breaths before each meal and before going to bed. You will be amazed at the change in how you feel.

We think of relaxation as not doing something. The reality is that when we relax by watching TV or spending time on our iPads we are just merely not adding more stress, but it is not erasing stress. It is not brushing and flossing our cells. You need to do something to turn on relaxation and it can be as easy as breathing.

One more important thing is to remember that some of us exercise too much and/or too hard. Exercise can be a significant stress on our adrenals and if you push too hard while suffering from adrenal fatigue the result will be fat accumulation around the belly and you will not see the muscle definition you are working for. Work smarter, not harder.

Share on my Facebook wall to tell me what you do to turn on the relaxation response.

Committed to your Vitality,

Dr. Tami

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