
Body Treatments for Detoxification

Did you know that your skin absorbs toxins and chemicals everyday?

Skin is the largest organ in our body.  From the chemicals in our beauty and skin care products to the fire retardant on our furniture, we are exposed to hundreds of toxins on a daily basis. Here are four easy body treatments that aid in detoxing your body from the daily assault.

  1.  Dry Scrubbing

Using Himalayan salt (available at health food stores and also included in my liver detox kit) and a scrubbing mitt before showering or bathing will aid in exfoliation, sloughing off dry, dead skin.

Dry brushing is similar to massage in that it stimulates the lymphatic system, causing lymph nodes to release toxins from your system.  Our bodies do this naturally, however dry brushing will speed up the detoxification process as well as aid in circulation.  It also leaves your skin with an amazing glow!

  1.  Sauna

You can benefit from using a sauna at a spa, health club, or gym to encourage sweating out toxins.  The sauna is a tradition of Finland that some researchers date back over two thousand years. The Finns attribute their endurance and longevity to the tradition of sauna.  During a sauna session, your metabolism is boosted, your blood vessels become  more flexible, and your extremities loosen from increased circulation.

The effects of the sauna are numerous and varied. Those that use saunas report a feeling of psychological peace and contentment as well as physical rejuvenation. Many people claim that the sauna relieves the symptoms of minor illnesses such as colds, revives the muscles after tough physical exertion, and clears the complexion.

Stay in only as long as you are comfortable, increasing the time with each visit. Feelings of light headedness or dizziness are signs to get out.  Ensure that you drink plenty of water.

  1.  Try acupuncture.

Chinese medicine believes that aches, pains and diseases are caused by the blockage of chi energy.  By releasing blockages and allowing the chi to flow, the body can heal itself.  Though this thinking is uncommon to our western minds, acupuncture has been proven in a number of studies to be very beneficial for health and is a great tool to help detox.  Ask your acupuncturist to focus on a liver treatment as our liver is the detox center.

  1.  Drink Water.

Though not a body treatment, one of the most powerful things you can do to help detox is drink water. Lots of it.  Make sure it is purified and adding fresh lemon makes it alkaline!


If you do even one thing more each day for your health it will add up to make an enormous difference. 

Remember to pass this to people you love.  Health is contagious – pass it around!


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